Friday, May 6, 2011

some time later...

Well half term has been and gone. We had our first 'family' holiday, myself and three teens with my man and one of his teens. We spent a few days at Alton Towers, and a good time was had by all.
Once back came the usual round of holiday colds but mostly all recovered now.

After a few days of continual handbag sewing, I fancied doing something abit different. The time had come to pick up the old knitting needles as I figured I needed a change of texture to work with. Now I have three different knitted bags just waiting for the lining and the right handles to be attached.

When my man discovered I could knit, well that was the begining of yet even more requests (needless to say my daughters are still waiting for the aformentioned pirate and cosplay outfits and my son his cloak.) Being the old punk that he is my fella has asked for nothing more than a Dennis the mennis jumper. So being the 'of course my lovely, anything for you' kinda gal I popped into town bought a pattern I could 'mess' with and dk wool. I dont think I even got up to doing a couple of rows when I thought, 'not a chance bud' and gave up with the dk wool. So next it was up the the out of town store for the big ole chunky stuff and big, big needles. and now there is one arm and 3/4 of the back so far completed. :)

But of course this has taken me away from work so today I have been hard at it. Before the holiday I had ordered quite a few purse frames and set about the first one. unfortunally I could not get the pattern to fit and so put it away until later. So my plan today was to figure out and finish the purse. Some time later and many many rude words and stampping of feet, I still cant get the fabric to fit. so again it has been put aside, the unfortunate side effect is I ordered about ten of these particular frames. ah well.

Not to be put off, I picked up a pattern I had started designing in April, I was good this time and had worked the design out on card and glue, then transfered this to calico. and today I picked up the fabric and had a go. Even until the last stitch I wasn't sure how it was going to turn out. Pictures to follow next time as by the time I had finished it was dark and energy lightbulbs with my camera are not a good combination. A hint though I came up with the design while watching a flash animation the other was working on. He's a scienist, it will be called the beaker bag ! well for now it is until I can come up with anything better.

Tomorrow, the weekend yeah cool. If the other still has manflu and stays home it will be the usual round of kids taxi and cmpletion of bags. If we are lucky and the manflu has gone it will be BBQ and beer, with my new favourite drink margaritas, good bye long island ice tea (the old favourite),

night all happy sewing

sewvala xx    

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