Saturday, November 24, 2012

Quick guide to Facebook, Facebook pro and cons


This is a Quick info about Facebook which is a very well know website which is widely used for social networking.
So many people are using Facebook and because of its wild use it is in top 10 earning website.
Some information are sorted for your ease 

Founder : Mark Zuckerberg  Is the Founder of Facebook And because of his website he became the youngest billionaire , He is a good looking man and lots of fans but he have color phobia he can see blue and Red properly that's why his website Facebook contain mostly of Blue and Red color.

Feature of Facebook :
 Its a social networking site with a lot of features . . .

Posts : Anything you upload or share is a new post in Facebook.

Like : Its an option to give your views that you like a specific thing. you can also like pages and join groups

Notifications : Every activity is being notified e.g anyone likes your post

Messages :  If someone from your friend list or out your friend list simply message you This activity shows in Special Message area

Chat : If someone from your friends are online you can chat them

Add as a Friend : Through this you can add people to your Friend lists

Friends:  People added in your friends list

Subscribe : Its a way to keep knowing activities of people you subscribe Some people don't give the option to add as a friend so you can subscribe to their updates or you can still subscribe to updates of your friend

Flaws problems of Facebook :

Fake people : There are plenty of fake id and fake people as every online social networking website has

You get addicted : Facebook addicts  just keep using Facebook

Bored :  you get really bored some times

Shehbaz shareif Merit laptops 2013 Images Detail

They have done it again and this time its a brand new HP laptop
very attractive
and great specs
if you got one you are quite very lucky
Good luck


It was given to new students of university who got more than 60% in their previous studies and 
or current student with 3.0 GP in the semester.
Students who got their laptops in 2011 did not get any new laptops These laptops were only for the people who did not have the merit scheme laptop.

Good luck :D

Sunday, November 4, 2012

My suspicions about Yesstyle...

When it comes to buying Asian stuff online, my biggest pet-peeve is overpricing! Grrr! I used to think Korean products were just really posh and expensive, but then I went to Korea and saw how cheap they actually were. -.- From then on, I couldn't bring myself to buy from overpriced shops anymore.

Anyways, Yesstyle has been on my bad list for awhile, simply because I think they’re overpriced. I’ve bought clothes from them before and it was decent quality, but I wouldn't say it was worth the price. From time to time, I do like to browse their selection though! But lately I’ve noticed a couple of things that make me a little suspicious about their integrity...

Awhile back, I stumbled upon this product, called “Ribbons Accessory Case,” from the brand Doodles. I thought to myself, “Hm…that kinda looks like something you could get from Daiso!”

Then a few days later, I had to run to my local Daiso to get something. Lo and behold, look what I found!

Oh, is this not the same exact thing?! The packaging also says Ribbon Accessory Case, and even the inner compartments are the same! (FYI: This costs $1.50 at Daiso while Yesstyle was selling theirs for $8.00.)

I later found even more products on Yesstyle that I remembered seeing before at Daiso. Here are a few examples! On the right are pictures that I took at my local Daiso:

(Click on the pictures to be taken to the listing on Yesstyle~)

Exactly the same, right?

Another thing I noticed is that Yesstyle makes no mention of where the “Doodle” brand originated from. Usually this information is usually displayed in the top-right corner of the brand banner, right?

I wonder why they don’t say…Could it be that it’s not a legitimate brand, but just a front to sell merchandise from Daiso (and other cheap brands) for mega profit? I wonder I wonder...

Here's one more thing that I noticed. This is the Doodles Heart Shaped Washbowl:

Oh, would you look at that? It clearly says Daiso on the label! Could it be true then?
(; ̄Д ̄) If that's the case, I only have one thing to say: Stooping so low as to overprice stuff from Daiso is just cheap-o to the max!!

According to Yesstyle, Smoothie is a brand from China. When I was browsing, I remembered seeing many of the same shoes/photos before on Taobao!

For example:

(Again, you can click on the links to get to the Yesstyle listing.
If you scroll down on both the Yesstyle and Taobao listings,
you'll see that they use the exact same product pictures!)

As seen on Taobao: here

As seen on Taobao: here

As seen on Taobao: here

As seen on Taobao: here

Once I looked through their various products, I noticed that all the product pictures have a different photography styles, fonts, models, and resolutions. So clearly, this brand "Smoothie" doesn't take their own product photos, that's for sure!

Yesstyle also has this little disclaimer at the bottom for Smoothie (as well as for other brands) that reads:

Doesn't it make sense for a brand's name to be plastered on all of it's clothing labels? I mean, if the clothing is their brand, why shouldn’t it? But then again, I know absolutely nothing about business! Can someone shed light on this? Do manufacturers and brands actually do this?

But even if the brand did outsource its production like the disclaimer says, why then, would there be a need to blur out the brand inside of these shoes?

Might I also randomly add that that is a disturbingly pitiful watermark for a brand? It looks like something an individual whipped up for their online shop to cover up Taobao watermarks.

So all in all, it looks to me like Yesstyle is getting these shoes from various sources, and they are not actually from this so-called brand Smoothie. It seems more like a front to sell these no-brand shoes (either from Taobao or other factories) for much higher prices. At least, that's my conclusion!

Don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with Taobao! To be fair, a lot of shops buy from Taobao (or other factories). But...nobody makes up a fake brand name to seem more legitimate... -_-;; And coming from a shopping mall as big and professional-seeming as Yesstyle, I was a bit surprised.

In all honesty though, I haven't bought from these two brands myself, so I really can't say anything for sure! Let me clarify that these are just my thoughts/suspicions. I'm not trying to be a detective, nor do I mean to criticize people who shop at Yesstyle! No no, not at all~ If anything, I just sound like a loony conspiracy theorist... The only thing I can say with confidence is that you can probably find the things on Yesstyle elsewhere for much cheaper~

Let's discuss! Have you bought from these two brands on Yesstyle? Or from Yesstyle in general? Thoughts, experiences?

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Introducing...Mini Reviews for Samples!

I'll have you know, I love samples! They’re such a spaztastic way to get a taste for what’s out there, especially when it's a sample for an expensive brand, teeheehee~

One time when I was in Etude House, my boyfriend called out (in Korean) to the guy behind the counter, "Give us more samples pleaaaaase~~~~ ", to which the guy replied, "Ye...." Haha! I don't know if it actually helped, but I guess it doesn't hurt to try! XD

As much as I love samples, I never review them. There’s just not always enough in there for me to get acquainted enough with the product to review it, you know? Plus, sometimes the quality of the full-size is a bit different from that of samples, which sucks...

But then fast forward to last week: I received another package from Koreadepart--this time containing samples. Again, I don't normally review samples, but I have to admit: this time I felt somewhat *obliged* to. >.< I mean, it's only fair to review what a sponsor sends for free, right? (Hopefully that doesn't sound as terrible as I think it does! I just want to be honest about what initiated this, instead of hiding it behind biased admiration~ ^^; Don't hate me please~)

That being said though, there actuall *is* some merit in reviewing these samples, regardless of obligation! Many of them include brands and products that I'm not so familiar with, and I reckon many of us aren't. While I wouldn’t be able to provide an extensive evaluation, I could still learn a thing or two, and maybe my findings would be worth sharing...I hope!

And after some thinking, I've come to a compromise: Mini Reviews!

So yes, just to clarify: these Mini Reviews will be for samples only! I'd like to keep my regular format for everything else. I know, my reviews are long, I'm sorry! I just want the information to be there *if you ever need it*, and if you don't, that's why the subtitles are there! To guide your skimming! :)

Mmkie? I just wanted to let y'all know beforehand, that's all ^^

On another note, I was quite happy with my makeup and selca outcome the other day!

No hat:

With hat!

△ This is my current favorite.

Oh goodness, I’m so so embarrassed to show you these pictures because of my room! So many of you have SUCH ADORABLE rooms, but mine is plain and messy.
I must defend myself! It’s messy because I share with my boyfriend (who acts like a helpless baby 95% of the time), and I’ve never felt compelled to cutesify my room, since I move around a lot. I’d much rather spend that money on clothes!

Yep! Well that's it for now, goodnight!