Sunday, December 9, 2012

One more week! Just one more!

Oh, hello there…

It’s been ages since I posted! I’ve been really busy with work these past few weeks, but thankfully, this is the last week! The home stretch! I will resume normal activity beginning this weekend~ Tuzki Bunny Emoticon

As far as I can remember, I’ve always been behind on blog posts in some way or another. What’s more, I often get distracted by what’s happening at the moment and post about that, thereby straying away from posts that I should be writing! This puts me deeper and deeper into disorganized, blog post chaos--if you know what I mean? I can’t describe it, except that it makes me feel so…internally uncomfortable!

It’s the very same feeling I get when I try to work but my desk is a mess. It's as though I’m *literally* sitting in a pile of half-written, long-overdue blog posts! So to combat this, I have decided to establish a queue! This will be an ordered list of posts that I will force myself to follow. That is, no blog posts unless it's the next one on the list! Hopefully this will help me catch up and grant me some inner peace. ^___^

So here is my list of posts that I hope to finish in the near future, in no particular order:

Aaand here is my official, "organized" queue:

>"< Okay so I'm not far, but I'm making progress! It's actually really tricky having to decide which posts take precedence....But now you know what my next two posts will be about :D

Until next weekend then!

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