Monday, January 23, 2012

Been bashing those needles....

I have been away from blogland for such along time, and this is what I have been up to.

Knitting. Been on a bit of a knitting obsession for a while now, here are my finished projects.

Snoods and a scarf. These were Christmas and bithday pressents.

Today I have finished sewing up a cardigan but have not taken pictures just yet.

All this has given me the want to buy a knitting machine, so that I can do lots of the lovely fine knitting as I am rather useless with the fine ply wool. My tension is way too loose and my hands are not very good with the smaller needles. If its chunky wool and large needles I am fine.
Has anyone ever had experience of such machines, please do tell and share.

Sew Vala x

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