Tuesday, June 28, 2011

First steps into the refashion trend.

There's been no blogging from me for the past few days. I have been busy sorting out bussiness stuff, and general life. But I have also been keeping up with the blogs that I follow and I came across a new one the other day that I have found rather intriguing.

Refashion co-op that can be found here .

In case you are not familer with this site, the premise is to take items of clothing and refashion them into something new.

I have been watching and learning and have decided to have a go. With the hope that this will take me out of my comfort zone of bag making and after a few go's of refashioning clothes to start what has been my long term goal of actually making my own clothes.

So at the weekend I went on a charity shop hunt and came away with these items.

A top for £3.50, the botice fits great but the neck piece is far too snug and the zip goes all the way to the top of the collar. Thinking cap is on.

A strapless cotton dress with full underskirt for £8.50. I bought this with the intention of making it into a high waisted boned skirt by following House Of Marmarlade tutoral which can be found here

So far I have cut off the top of the dress and then I changed my mind. I am much more of a dress person, no need to match separates, so off I went pattern shopping for inspiration. I have decided to add a top to the dress/skirt/dress, to give the impression of separates but the simpleness of a dress.

It's a girl's 'thing' to change her mind constantly, thank goodness. I will keep you updated on the progress.

Happy Tuesday to you all.
Sew Vala.

Beautiful Flower Wallpaper

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Queen Elizabeth I inspires...

It's been a busy day of banks, paperwork and errans, Even so myself and the kids managed to fit in dinner at the Hut. Happy Hour. Fantastic. All 4 of us fed including refilable drinks for just over £25. Nice one.

I haven't got any made today projects, yesterday's bag is still waiting for it's frame, poor thing.

So here is something I made earlier, as they like to say on the kids craft shows.

A double layered chainmaille necklace in titainium and silver. The titainium is not very co-operative to work with it is very strong which means there is hardly any spring back. Although silver is lovely to work it is becoming too expensive to buy, the ankch is also real silver.

This is truely one of my favourites, my inspration for this design was Queen Elizabeth I. It is a byzantine chainmaille weave in anodized aliminium in a yellow/gold colour wrapped around green glass beads that really shine and have a slight translucent quality to them.

I slight change to the usual bag blogs, but sometimes its good to be different.

Happy sewing,

Sew Vala

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Summer is here but we wouldn't think so. They said June was to be very very dry, but like everyone else I am sure it has rained every single day. Well what is a girl to do when it's wet and horrible outside, for me I do what I always do, internet, blog surf, and shop mixed in with my daily sewing. These are what I have been working on today.

You may reconise the fabric, i have used it previously in a double frame purse.

Made from 1950's fabric in a very bright yellow, my camera has toned it down a tad, it is very very sunshine yellow.

Internal view, I really struggled in deciding what fabric to use inside, as the outside is just so strong. I found this polyester velvet in a deep blue, which I had actually forgotton buying. I have never sewn with anything like this before, I had some trouble with the interfacing but got there in the end. In the end I really like this and may have to make another just for me.

Another tricky one this, I cut this out and then realized I had only 1 more frame to fit this bag but it was in antque gold (as in the yellow bag above) and this purple fabric is covered in sparkly silver flecks. Doh

I felt like a challenge (and not wanting to place any more orders for frames, I have 3 boxes full now ). So began a hunt through the boxes for a similar silver frame. And so began the task of recutting the fabric and a shot of guess work, some time later,

A slightly smaller version of the Baguette bag (oringal pattern by Lisa Lam. )

I also did another bag but as yet it's unframed so that will be uploaded another day.

I have also ordered some cool patterns from the lovely lady at http://what-i-found.blogspot.com/
I can't wait to get working on these and am very excited.

happy Wednesday to you all,  Sew Vala x

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

a manic week and what alot of pics,

so its been another week of work, work, work. no way am i complaining thou because i love it. i have been very productive and even managed to progress from using patterns to designing my own.
firstly heres a couple of U-handbags designs i have made this week, the easy peasy purse in a rather cute cupcake pattern from the lovely ladies at Cloth of Gold Wootton Basset.

i have been trying to uncifer the instructions for the yummy mummy purse but no matter what i do, i cant get it to fit the frame, so thats one for the back burner for now.

but what i have managed to do is for the first time design a bag to fit a metal purse frame , i think this was more from luck than skill. the pattern started life as a clutch but circular, but after making it in calico i didnt like it, the same calico was unpicked and tried as a circular bag, agin it didnt turn out like the image i had in my head. so there i am looking at the lovely frames i'd purchased wondering how on earth do people design fabric to fit them and there peeking out from underneath the mound of general haberdashery that is my working table was the circular calico , so i started with that and turned it into this

the same cupcake fabric with a small frill of pastel embroidary anglais. this got me rather excited that it actually fit and before i knew it i was on a roll.

funky bag with a bright orange lining, this ones for me, but i didnt stop there

a delicate floral pasley with a soft cream lining. there are actually two more on the work table waiting for the frames to be atached. and the only reason i stopped then was due to the light. yeah i get a bit manic now and again thats when i'm at my most productive.

ah and as for the bags i knitted last week, there is only one that i'm happy with, the others can sit there waiting, again i wasn't too pleased with how they turned out,


the inside of the bag has this gorgeous vintage looking sunflower fabric, the bag is lined with fleece and interfaced for support. i am going to add buttons at the end triangle point so the bag is reversible. its quite hippy looking not sure if anyone will buy it, but i love it.

i have been asked to make some bags for a 1950's event and so went exploring for 50's bags. i'v found that Lucite was most populer at this time so many bags are rectangle or shaped like cosmetic cases. very hard, plastic really took off in the 50's. buying lucite is not really an option so i bought some pelmit interfacing and started messing about and here is my work in progress for a hard box shaped bag

wow thats a lot of pics uploaded tonight.

the Dennis jumper is now back and arm completed. so thats about 40%. but wouldnt that be 50%, na, his lordship wants a large baggy cowl neck on it. are we sure he wants Dennis the Mennis or Mini the Minx? ether way as long as he likes it i'm happy.

Previous makes, part 1

I thought for a change I would show case some of my previous works, many pics are lost due to the red wine, laptop inicdent of New Year 2010/11. So I dont have them all, as some were gifts and others were orders for customers,

 This is a design you may see crop up often, I do enjoy making these. This particular one was a present for my Mother. It is a lap quilt approximatly 1 metre square, made in mock cathedral window patchwork. The plain background is just calico, i like using this because of its sturdy texture and the flocks of beige cotton.


The small central piceces are a vintage fabric I bought cicra early 1990's and even then I could tell it was old. I bought a bag of offcuts from a charity shop and these were part of it. the outline quilting is a verigated thread, it does not show up very well in the photographs but was actually quite effective.

My Mother was pleased with her quilt (she would most certainly have told me if she didn't like it, not in a horrible way, but she knows I'd would rather give her something she would enjoy than something that wasn't her style.) 

Monday, June 20, 2011

degrees of separation whilst browsing junk yards

As you may know from yesterdays blog, I have spent the weekend at the lovely Mr S's. In the afternoon we decided to go to one of our favourite haunts, the junk yard.Not for anything in particular just 'a look around'. Whilst there I spotted a suit case under a coffee table, it reminded me my eldest Miss K had recently asked and has been looking for an old suitcase. This was in lovely condition so I tried to pull it out but it was far to heavy, so i figured it must have more suitcases inside ?? (I don't know why I thought this). So Mr S got it out for me, we opened it up to discover a beautiful old singer (I know they are worthless objects, but they do get me excited so.
 There was no price on this beaut, so the lady was phoning the owner and we happened to spot another suitcase close by, revealing another,
Well so far so excellent, but no suitcase for my daughter. So mulling over, 'do I really need/want more machines' we carried on looking when I spied another case pilied ontop of some chairs, this case reminded me of the one my sister used to have which held a haidryer and brush set, kind of like a large vanity case. I surely couldn't believe it, yet another sewing machine,
This is a Riccar, not a make I have ever heard of. But this is such a bizare find. The machine was in upside down and in lifting it up there was a piece of paper Mr S opened the paper to discover it was a hand written reciept (in the picture lower right.) It turns out he actually knew the owner, She was a friend of his gran's and lived only two streets over. Well that was it I knew I had to have it, so all three machines came home with us.
Unfortunally for my daughter this meant no vintage suitcase, but I am sure there will be plenty more visits to the junk yard as that is now where I have purchased four of my vintage machines the previous being the 1923 Singer. I have managed to date the other two Singgers due to the fantasic Singer website  http://www.singerco.com/support/machine-serial-numbers
and have found some information on Riccar machines here
I would recomend this site to anyone wish to find out more infomation on vintage sewing machines.
Details of the infomation on my machines can be found on my page 'In Retirement.'
Hope you all have a good week ahead, and happing sewing, Vala

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Simplicity 2298,

I'm away for the weekend, spending a few days in Bedfordshire with one of my daughters and the lovely Mr S. It's early in the morning and no one is yet up so I thought I'd check out the lovely things people are making and posting.

I'm sitting in the back garden and this is the view of his back garden,

I don't know what kind of tree it is but i thought it looks cool swaying in the breeze this morning and i wanted to share it with you.

Here is something my daughter asked me to make for the lovely Mr S, as he can always be found in the kitchen

She picked the pattern and decided on the main pic, she then went on to pick the fabric and trim. It was the first time I have ever tried pin tuck, and making them out of broadarie anglais may not have been the best choice but Miss K and Mr S liked the outcome.

And here he is modelling his pinny (camping it up for the camera, cool)

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Two for you, One for me, And the perfect frill by Miss K.

I had a delivery of some new purse frames last week, but I was so busy making sure I had enough bags for my stall last week I didnt want to spend precious time on working on designing a new pattern. It often takes quite a few attempts before I get it to fit the frame. Today was the day to work on the new frame and this is how it turned out, I hope you like it.

The new purse with a gunmetal frame.

And an inside view.

I have this frame in both gunmetal and silver. I decided to use the gunmetal first as I wanted to use this lovely green floral fabric (I think it's a Kath Kidson design, but I am not sure. I buy fabric because I like it not because of the designer.) The lining is pale cream with tiny green crosses. I hope you like this new purse. My daughter said it was just the right size for the frame and big enough to put lots in and still fit into a handbag. And my daughter is my sternest critic, if she didn't like it, she would not be afraid to say so. 

Last week I promoted her to frill manager, (although I haven't actually told her the job isn't real :(
She wanted to have a go and as I was finally making a bag for myself (every bag I make for myself, finds it's way into the shop) I let her. I was making the 'as yet un-named bag' and as this has quite a wide frame it greatly benifits from a frill. A frill adds strengh and width to the top of the bag when it is fitted into the frame. Now I am not usally a frill kinda gal, but i figured this particular frame needs it. Also I am not a massive fan of blue, during my career in shop work, it felt like almost all the uniforms were blue, especially navy. But I have a small amount of this fabric and I adore it. Anyway this is the new un-named bag with the perfect frill by K.

And a close up of K's perfectly placed frill. This was her first ever go as well. I think she did a tremendous job, what do you think?

I you like this fabric I have used it on this bag which is for sale,

As yet I still haven't managed to put any bags on Folksy yet as the lovely Mr S is busy tidying up the backgound on the pics. If you see any bags on here that take your fancy and would like more infomation, please contact me.

Hope you are all having a fab week and ready for an even better weekend.

Vala xx 

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Lady Grey and Inspiration

Today I would have liked to have done some more work on my dress but due to time limits and other work, this was not possible.
So inbetween bits and pieces I have been supping volumes of Lady Grey tea, which is Earl Grey, bergomot with a hint of citrus, lovely stuff. And researching vintage pattern pics on the web.

These are a few of my favourite so far

I just adore the top pink one.

And again the top red. Mmmm, looks like theres a theme here today. Today i bought some lovely crepe back satin in two shades of pink, a black and a purple. I have never worked with shiny fabric before so this is going to be interesting. Promise to keep you posted on my success or more likely failiure, :)

Happy sewing Vala

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The forever dress - Vogue 8146

Today I was finally felt confident enough to re-attempt the dress.

I didn't get far because sewing time was sparse, this was as far as I got

I cut out the fabric and did the notch sewing. Yep that was it.
I see the productivity of many bloggers and so wish I too could just whip something up.
Ah well this is only my second piece of clothing, baby steps required that and to stop being so unconfident and nervous in this area of sewing.

I think what has put me off in completing this outfit is (and I'm sure I've said this before) I am starting to wonder if I chose the wrong colour fabric, I liked it to begin with it's very close to be picture on the packet (see right- current sewing project) and I thought it looked very elegant, I think this my be a common beginners mistake. Now I'm not so sure, I was chatting with my daughter (20 today Happy Birthday Babe xx) on my feeling about this and she said it was a good choice 'classic' was her words. Well this spared me on and there we have it finally on the sewing table. Hopefully tomorrow more progress but a tad of research on darts is required with copius amounts of Earl Grey.

Update on the organza flowers, my daughter was the first to give it a go, she did very well and managed to make half a flower before burning her finger, well done, I would have burnt mine on the first petal if my past record is anything to go by.

Happy sewing, Vala x

Monday, June 13, 2011

Help wanted.

Image 1

My daughter loves this pattern for a playsuit, but unfortunatly it doesn't come in her size.
If anyone knows of a pattern in the next size up could you please let us know
thanks all.
Vala xx

Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Green Phrase- Hats Galore and Charity Bargins

I have always had a thing for hats, not the summer straw hat, but more classic and traditional type. I love clonch hats. Recently this has developed into fastinators. Here are two of my most recent buys.

made by the taluah blue accesories from folksy.com

made by extra special touch from folksy.com

mmm, looks like I am going through a green phrase at the moment all brought on by a charitiy shop dress

I am always complemented on this dress whenever I wear it and always asked if it's vintage. I doubt it very much the label says 'George' , but it is turning out to be one of my favourites. I would love to be able to make something like this, but have only ever (so far) worked with cottons, I have once worked with fleece. I used it to back a lap quilt I made for my mother (sadly photos of the project lost when I spilt a full glass of red wine over my laptop last new years eve, doh), I attached it using my Janome embellishing machine, quite experimental, I enjoyed it and she liked it, so bonus all round.

Anyway i transgress, hats i love them. I heard somewhere 'the sixties killed off the hat' it sure did. Am I the kind of girl who would go shopping in the supermarket in heals, dress and hat, sure would if thats the only place I get out to. However at the moment as well as going through the green phrase I also decided to dye my hair a kind of Vivenne Westwood orange/ginger/blonde. So guess the green hats are going to have to wait a while until I get bored and re-dye. Also this drought of a June we've been promised hasn't happened yet, It must have rained every day so far. And being petite I am deadly with the umberella.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Techo Geek- I am not (or Vala Do Not Touch)

Not to be defeated with wonky frames, I finally atempted the sunglasses case, here it is with the frame in place. Nothing that spectacular (I know, pun ) but I really dont think I will be making many more of these at the moment, dont get me wrong I love the kitchness of it the clashing poms pom, and bright pink fabric. It's just i've discovered myself and small frames dont get on. Theres no room for manipulating the frame into the frame and it's nigh on impossible to create much gather so to allow extra volume in the case. Who knew something so small and cute could be such a pain. Well I do now.

I have also today been busy unpicking, not my mistakes (that makes a change) but this,
It's a gorgeous corset top I bought in the sale for £3. I bought it for the fabric
Isn't it beautiful, I had an order of black gunmetal victorican frames arrive yesterday and thats when I remembered this top. I think they should completment each other perfectly. I am not sure how many I will get out of this, but even if it's only two I will be happy one for me and one to sell. 

Remember my sweetheart make-up bag, well the other half has been working on the pattern all day (bless him) and when it's done I will be uploading the pics. I have also done a pattern for a bobble bag, (his next typing project) and today I made another so far un-named but the current favourite seems to be the cresant bag (as in the moon, but I'm sure it's not spelt like that.) However the longer I think about it the more I'm not sure.

I don't know how I've done it but I have become a follower of my own blog, my that looks very sad, and I don't know how to remove it, doh.

I have seen the most beautiful corsages made by Taluah Blue on Folksy. I was intrigued to read she made them over a candle. Well this got my curisoity going, so I did a you-tube search and now I want to have a go. Even my eldest wants to have a go. Plenty of water on stand-by, I'm sure we'll need it.

It won't be this week though, I have a stall on Saturday, so I've been making the bags, creating kits and sorting out the jewellery for then (Thats why there's not much on the folksy site yet, I haven't decided what to put on there and what to keep for stalls) And as for the website, well again I don't know what I did, my lovely man spent ages making the background sparkle to look like the night sky, fancy banner etc. I put on some new jewellery and lost all his work.

As I said Vala Do Not Touch, should be on little yellow post-it's all over the house.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Poor people wallpapers

                                                          Poor people in Thailand
                                                                    Indian poor child
                                                       Can poor people eat good food
                                                               India slum child Delhi
                                                            Pakistan poor people
                                                                Indian poor people