Thursday, June 2, 2011

confusion, wonkyness and pom-poms.

Good Evening folks,

Well today I had every intention of finally spending the day working on my dress. I got it out of the project bag, ironed the calico placed the pattern on. I was hoping if all goods well to actually finish the toile and if no tweaking needed to start on the fabric. So there I was looking down at my table and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what to do first, do I trim the pattern to my size before I cut it out, but I thought I had already done that. I read the instructions on the packet and I still wasn't sure. So time for a cuppa while I think about what to do next (yes, I am a tea freak. I do like a nice cup of earl grey when the going gets hard.). In the end I decided to pack it all up again I didn't want to make a mistake, will try again another day when the kids are in school/colllege. And i can devote my full attention to it.

Talking of 'full attention' or rather the lack of it. This is what did happen today,

  A cute little purse which went a tad wonky. Ah well I am pleased with the little pom-poms though.
So not to be defeated today I tried again and this time decided to extend the length,

Again with the pom-poms. So now the little purse has turned into a sunglasses case. And tomorrow I hope to attach the frame sans wonkyness.

And oh yeah, I have managed to procure lots, lots more of the double curve purse frames. yipee. So shortly I will be finally showing my evening and make-up kits.

Happy Sewing Vala. x

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