Sunday, June 12, 2011

A Green Phrase- Hats Galore and Charity Bargins

I have always had a thing for hats, not the summer straw hat, but more classic and traditional type. I love clonch hats. Recently this has developed into fastinators. Here are two of my most recent buys.

made by the taluah blue accesories from

made by extra special touch from

mmm, looks like I am going through a green phrase at the moment all brought on by a charitiy shop dress

I am always complemented on this dress whenever I wear it and always asked if it's vintage. I doubt it very much the label says 'George' , but it is turning out to be one of my favourites. I would love to be able to make something like this, but have only ever (so far) worked with cottons, I have once worked with fleece. I used it to back a lap quilt I made for my mother (sadly photos of the project lost when I spilt a full glass of red wine over my laptop last new years eve, doh), I attached it using my Janome embellishing machine, quite experimental, I enjoyed it and she liked it, so bonus all round.

Anyway i transgress, hats i love them. I heard somewhere 'the sixties killed off the hat' it sure did. Am I the kind of girl who would go shopping in the supermarket in heals, dress and hat, sure would if thats the only place I get out to. However at the moment as well as going through the green phrase I also decided to dye my hair a kind of Vivenne Westwood orange/ginger/blonde. So guess the green hats are going to have to wait a while until I get bored and re-dye. Also this drought of a June we've been promised hasn't happened yet, It must have rained every day so far. And being petite I am deadly with the umberella.

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