Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Loud shirt update...

Sorry I Have been away for the past few days. Firstly I have been helping the lovely Mr S move house and then back to work then helping him to rearrange and empty boxes etc. And at the weekend we had a two day stall, but more about that next time.

Today I wanted to tell you how excited I was with the shirt. He loved it and even wore it to the vintage show where we had the stall. There were a few comments like 'Where did you get a shirt like that ?' in a possitive way.

So here is my gorgeous man modeling his new shirt.

Now all I have to decide is what's next.  I have the following in the pipeline
  • Gertie's Bombshell dress

  • NVL plain pattern project

  • Edelweiss Walkaway dress (one for me and one for my daughter)

  • Shirt in 50's sci fi monster fabric

  • Shirt in pin up girl fabric

  • Shirt in Liberty Rocks fabric

  • New handbag designs and kits to prepare

  • and for my youngest daughter 2 cosplay outfits .

So in the meantime until I can make my mind up, the past two days here have been mega sort and tidy time before building work starts on the house.

Happy sewing Vala. xx

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