Saturday, August 6, 2011

New Title and finished Loud,Loud Shirt.

As you can see in the end I did decide to change the title of my blog. I'm glad I did.

And yeah to the finished shirt. I wasn't happy with the idea of press studs and fake buttons, so a hunt was on for my buttonhole foot and much searching and yeah I had a paddy. I found it. (This is due to my sewing room has a leaky roof and I need to save up for a new roof and builder costs. We have been without hot water for months now but just managed to save and this week got a plumber in to fix it. Luckly its summer so heating wasn't needed and we have an electric shower. ) Anyway this means my sewing stuff is piled in the living room, hallway and kitchen. But I digress, the shirt

After finding the buttonhole foot I used some scrap later over and theres lots of it, guess I didn't need 3m.
And make a sample off the front including the interfacing and started to practice, when I was happy and confident I started on the shirt. Yeah this was scary I was afraid of messing it up. But cool stuff it actually worked.

Now then this is where I got a bit cocky while reading the instructions o how to use the foot, there was also intsructions on how to attach the buttons by machine. I did not know this was possible, I searched and found I also had the foot for this so I gave that a try too.

wow what a mess.

I won't be using that again. So I handsewn the buttons and they were much neater.

Top button by hand, bottom button by machine. I know which I prefare.

As for the button holes them selfs I only had trouble with one, The top one,

The machine got stuck and wouldn't return down the right side.
I decided not to unpick this because 1, it would leave too many small holes and re-doing it would look worse and 2, I am sure he won't be fastening the top button anyway ,if you did babe you would look like a dork, sorry but true.

A close up of bttons and holes all matched up. yeah cool.

And the finished shirt

I know the pattern doesn't match well at the front, but I wasn't even going to try that yet. I am chuffed I am proud of it. And I really hope he likes it. Mr S hasn't seen it yet, He is down later today so all my fingers and toes (?) crossed.

Happy Sewing and hope you all have a fab weekend.

Vala x

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