Thursday, August 4, 2011

To change or not to change...

I have been pondering over the title I have given my blog.

Here's how the original title came about. I am a hugh sci-fi geek/nerd. My son and myself were disscussing crossovers, where a set of charicters from one series appears in another. The episode in question was Trial and Tribbleations from Deep Space Nine, when they go back in time to meet original crew from Star Trek in the trouble with tribbles.

Still with me ????

Anyway as I was setting up my account naturally the term trial and tribulations of sewing came to mind. As I am still a learner on the dressmaking front, this seemed approprate to me. trial = making mistakes and learning from them.

Now when I look at it I am begining to wonder as if it looks like I am saying sewing is such hard work and a 'trial' . Which of course its not.

So what do you dear followers think, should I change it? is it possible to change it? My current idea is to Vala Sews  .

If any of you were wondering Vala is one of my favourite charicters from Stargate-SG1. A rather fiesty lady.

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