Wednesday, July 4, 2012

A wedding outfit post.

So as promised in an earlier post I said I would tell you more about the gorgeous shoes I bought in Carnby Street when myself and S.H went to visit Liberty's last month.

They are called Abigails Party and are from a lovely shop irregular choice who can also be found on the internet.

I wore them to my nieces wedding last week and despite the large heal (I have such small feet, which makes the heal seem larger) they were comfy all night long.

Here is a picture of some of my family with the lovely bride and groom

Thats me in the blue dress and S.H. was asked what he would be wearing, dare he wear one of the shirts I make, so out came the Batman shirt.
For a wedding you may ask, well why not. The day is all about the Bride and Groom, their love for each other and if we are chosen to share that day with them I am grateful and honoured.
So Congratulations to my lovely neice and her husband, may you have many happy years together ahead of you. 

And my nails

Well thats enough about me next post will be sewing Honestly.

Sew Vala. x 

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