Sunday, July 15, 2012

My apologies!!!

Airi wants to apologize that the next several blog posts will be sponsored reviews--not that sponsored reviews will be any different from regular reviews, though! So if you like reviews, that's great too!

I just honestly didn’t intend for my blog to be alllll reviews, you know? It can get so impersonal at times! I do have other stuff planned, but it’s always limited by time...I think many of you with blogs of your own can empathize! That recent stint of busyness never really ceased, and I've gotten really behind on everything, sigh~

Please accept my apology in the form of these kitties:

Ah, I love kitties~ ^.^ There's a stray kitty around our apartment that Oppa and I have been trying to woo lately. Not sure if it's our meowing that isn't working, or if our milk and water aren't yummy enough...tuna will be next!! >:)

Well until then, toodle-doos~!

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