Friday, August 10, 2012

My whole life has been a lie!

I'm watching this Korean drama from 2010 called Personal Taste, and it's starring Lee Min-ho. Lucky me, I also have my Oppa watching it with me! It's fun because we squeal and hate on the antagonists together (well actually he cheers for the antagonists just to spite me), but he also translates and explains the parts where I get confused~! ^^

So today, I was watching it on TV while he was cooking in the kitchen.

He asked, "Who is she arguing with?"

Me: Oh, with the guy! She's playing hard to get and he's getting frustrated~
Oppa: Who, Eemino?
Me: Huh? ...I-Imino?
Oppa: Ee Min-ho!
Me: Aaahh, *que american accent* Lee Min ho~! Mm mm, him!
        *pause* ...Is it really -Ee?"
Oppa: Mm, Eemino.
Me:  >:( Hmph. Leeee Hyori!
Oppa: No, Ee Hyori.
Me: Really no L?!
Oppa: Nope, that's just for foreigners.
Me: So you mean to say that...LEE is just EE?! 
Oppa: Mm!
Me: Waah, my whole life has been a lie!!!  ToT
Oppa: Yes, your whole life has been a lieee~~
            (he really did shake his butt, or something like that, lol.)

I looked up the Hangul and sure enough, it's just 이! Now I can't help but wonder why they couldn't just keep it as "Ee", or even as "Yi". Always slaughtering foreign names, I see!

I'll have another skincare review up in a day or so.  :) Until then, back to watching drama and cursing at my TV whenever Miss Slut Slut comes on screen! Toodle-doo~

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