Thursday, October 18, 2012

An old love rekindled.

While I have been writing these posts on old projects, I remembered how much I love embroidery. It seems to have sparked a new desire to do more again.

So on came a new internet search while I was supposed to be writing my first assignment on Medusa. I am studying Myth in the Greek and Roman worlds, this year. I would like to share with you what I found.

Here is a site that has some lovely free patterns and a FAQ section.  it is heavy on advertising but definitely worth checking out.  the Royal School of Needlework, lots of information. I would like to do a couple of their courses next year if  funds allow. In the meantime I stocked up on books from their on-line shop to learn some new techniques.

I have rotated that picture several times however it wanted to appear sideways each time. sorry.
who have two magazines -
stitch and embroidery , which are both worth looking at.

For those of you who are interested the exhibition below is taking place at the ashmolean museum in Oxford.
On the Saturday 1 December there is a  big stitch event. I also hope to attend.

Threads of Silk and Gold: Ornamental Textiles From Meiji Japan Exhibition | 9 November 2012 – 27 January 2013 | Galleries 57, 59 & 60 | £6 /£4 Concessions Many of us are aware of the beauty of the traditional Japanese kimono: Threads of Silk and Gold introduces the less familiar but equally spectacular ornamental textiles that were made in Japan for the foreign market in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Intricate embroideries and tapestries, dyed silks and velvets entranced Western audiences with their sophisticated designs and brilliant craftsmanship. The exhibition highlights Meiji textiles from the newly-acquired collection of the Sannenzaka Museum in Kyoto, one of the finest and most comprehensive collections of its type in existence.

Wow so many events to do, we also have comi-con/expo (just found out Matt Smith, Doctor Who will be there) and hyperjapan that we want to attend.

How do you decide what to do when there are so many good things going on, On what to visit / do and what not to do. Perhaps we should play Diceman.

Sew Vala. x

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