Monday, February 25, 2013

Peach and Lily Giveaway Winner

Thank you to everyone who has written kind comments and congratulations to the two winners of my Etude House giveaway! You all are such good sports! :’)

It is now time to announce the winner of the giveaway sponsored by Peach and Lily! The winner, who will receive 5 face masks and a full-sized mineral BB Cream, is none other than…

...Heather Carter!

Congratulations dearie! Please email me at and let me know your full address soon! Peach and Lily will send you your gift directly.


P.S. I want your suggestions for future giveaways! To be honest, I’m a bit torn from deciding what's next! One of the reasons I want to have giveaways is to introduce everyone to new brands and products that they may not otherwise hear about or pay attention to. The problem is, I know everyone just LOOOOVES Etude House--what with them releasing new, adorable lines one after another!--but I myself don’t have a huge bias towards them...Sooo, yes.....dilemna....

Please let me know what you’d like to see for my next giveaway!
☑ Skincare?
☑ Cosmetics?
☑ Which brand?
☑ Any particular line?
☑ Cute stationary?

Speaking of stationary, OMG there are TONS AND TONS of cute stationary and little lifestyle things scattered everywhere in Korea! They have it in all sorts of styles too! Childish cute, Korean-style cute, and even tons of hime-kaji/floral cute! I really need to bring my camera with me and show you all the lovely floral things I have found! ^o^


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