Friday, September 23, 2011

Clear Nail Dilemna

Hello, just a quick tip for clear fake nails!

I've mentioned Yukiumi in my old posts before, but I just can't get over it. I absolutely LOVE these little nails! It's definitely "kawaii sweet," with all the strawberries, cherries, oranges, and flowers; it's like a little fruit garden on your fingertips! Squeal-worthy!

Aw man, one thing I hate about roots is that it makes your hair look oily, even when it's not! Oh well, Oppa will bleach it for me this weekend, teehee!

Anyways, I want to caution you on something I discovered today!

If you wear clear fake nails, try to avoid cheap nail tape.....I had bought some really CHEAP nail tape that was more of a clumpy gooey film than tape (brown, by the way...). Yet it was very adhesive, so removing all of the brown goo from under the nails was difficult. As a result, when I wore the nails again today, instead of a nice clear finish, I saw little brown discolorations under the nails! Waaaaahhhh my beautiful nails!!!Photobucket Cheap nail tape OK for colored nails, but not clear ones!

I don't know about nail glue, but I'm assuming that the residual glue left on the nail will build up, and if it's lumpy it will show. Not sure though, just a guess! Anyone else have experience with this?

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