Tuesday, September 20, 2011

New Blog

Welcome to my new blog!

Please don't be blinded by the excessive pink...it was hard work on my end! My wrist cracked maybe 10 times while I was mousing over the past week. Yet I'm still not happy with my banner, since I look like a lazy-eyed Japanese crossdresser. ADMIT IT, I doooo!!!

Ahem, anyways. Allow me to explain the inspiration for my pinked-out layout!

  1. My blog is where I record my thoughts.
  2. My thoughts come from my mind.
  3. My mind is where I spend most of my time.
  4. ∴ , it is logical that my blog layout reflect my imagination

As such, I would say that this blog--and its layout--are a close representation of the world I live in (inside my head) which is vey pink of course! Do not be misled though, for I am still manlier than my Oppa. Korean men, tsk tsk, only LOOK manly until you see a spider...Jk jk~

I have to say though, switching to a new blog is an odd feeling. It feels like a new start not only for me recording my thoughts, but also for my thoughts themselves. I mean, I almost feel like a new person with this new layout! Don't laugh! It's just like the refreshing feeling you get after a very drastic hair-change/cut, you know?

Thanks for stopping by!

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