Thursday, May 31, 2012

Expo May 2012 part three

Hello again dear friends,

Now that you have seen our pictures from expo I would like to share with you some of the wonderful outfits that others were wearing on this very hot day,

 There were cats crawling around the hall.

The lady wearing this beautiful dress asked for my picture, I was asked twice. S.H. did so well walking around in character that he was asked for many photo's in fact some of the facial expressions he did were actually quite scary and lots of 'why so serious?' comments .

A very dashing young gentleman who was quite happy to be asked for his photograph by a stranger.

I will not post all our pictures here but they are on my Sew Vala facebook page if you wish to see them.
And last dress of the day
Isn't she just a sport.

We don't really go to buy things, it's more about getting the chance to dress up for us, unless there is a certain actress / actor autograph there signing.

The one thing that got me most excited on this day was a young lady sitting at a workshop table with a book and sewing patterns in front of her. As the whole event is about sharing and meeting people I could not resist walking up to her to ask to have a look at what she had.
I am really not the sort of person who talks to strangers, but on occasions like this well everyone is there to enjoy the spirit of things.

It's a Japanese sewing pattern book, along the lines of Burda (whith a pull out pattern sheet). It's called Gosu Rori which is a gothic / lolita genre.

I took pictures of the book and did an internet search once home. And now I am eagerly awaiting for my copy in the post.

So that was our day, if you went too I hope you had as much fun as we all did.

If you were to attend a convention, would you dress up ? And who or what would be your character of choice.

Sew Vala x   

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