Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Meeting an Idol group and stuffs

I never mentioned before but about a month ago I saw an idol group! Their name is Pure, and had just debuted that week.

It' was a rainy day, and I was shopping at Eblin lingerie store. When I exited, there was a small crowd gathered on the sidewalk right in front. As soon as I heard “idol group”, I weaseled my way through as best I could! Here are some pictures!

Click to make bigger~

To be honest, it was kind of awkward…There we were, two feet away, staring them right in the eyes as they tried to do their cool spins and smolder looks …mind you, without any special effects, special angles, or even a stage! T’was a wee bit embarrassing. And don’t forget about their dramatic kneeling at the end!

Personally, this was my face when their clothes touched the pavement:

Anyways, here’s a video I took shortly after they finished performing! You can see that the microphone stopped working. :P At the very end, we got to line up to shake their hands!!

But of course I went to shake their hands~! With each handshake, they bowed deeply and said thanks. Let me tell ya, they are much better looking in real life! If you watch their MV (here), pay no attention to the unflattering close-ups (virtually all of the MV). They are indeed handsome lads in real life!

And now I can say that I have shared skin contact with an idol.

YG Entertainment:
Since we’re talking about idols, behold! A business card from YG:

“Never show my phone number to anyone,” the scout said.

Backstory: Bf was scouted by YG recently. (Oh how I wish I could say that *I* was scouted!) The scout was a man in his late 20s and had approached him while bf was eating dinner with family. I’m told the conversation went something like this:

“Are you a normal person?” he asked.
“I’m just a student.”
“Well, call me if you want to talk. And never, never show my phone number to anyone.”
Bf gave it absolutely no second thought, what with his upcoming military service and the restrictions of an idol. He jokes, “Hey, hey~! Psy is YG too! Daesung was scouted too! And maybe they want me to be a comedian, not idol!” (Hint: Daesung not handsome.)

But I pressed on, eager to know if it was real or fake. We called, and boom-bada-boom, an automated voice says, “Thank you for calling YG, blahblahblah”

So…Anyone want to buy YG’s phone number and address off of me? Just kidding~~ :P

Street Fashion:

On another note, one of the things that bothers me is the misconception about Korean fashion. Just cuz it ain’t Japanese don’t mean it’s Korean! What is portrayed online, versus what people actually wear, is quite different. I will also argue that it is not simply because “regular people just not fashionable”.

In my impulsive determination to show the truth, I spontaneously picked up my iphone while waiting for someone at the subway station. Hence, this video:

To be honest, I do feel terribly rude and intrusive for this video... I’ve become the inconsiderate foreigner that I despise, so I don’t think I’ll be doing anything like this again anytime soon. (Although to be fair, regular people take videos of strangers all the time!) If anything, I hope some can find it interesting or enlightening~

11:08pm here, I'm off to relax for the rest of the evening! Another review is underway~ Let me know if you found this post interesting or something~ Otherwise I feel like I'm talking to a wall and don't know what to post... :(

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