Monday, September 9, 2013

。♡ A Cutie Café ♡。 [ Episode 1: Humming ]

Up until now, I have always been searching Naver for cute cafes in Hongdae and Sinsa to visit. That, or I’d usually stop by one of the big chain cafes if I was lazy.

But during my recent exploration around my neighborhood, I’ve discovered that there are plenty of adorable cafes near my home! And these cafes are just my style: small and quaint—and cheaper, too! I’m now on a quest to visit every single one of them! ^^


Our first little gem is Humming. It was love at first sight. Even from across the street I was intrigued by the mint-colored walls. How glad I am that I had decided to venture just a bit further past Homeplus!

As I approached the café, I caught sight of this telephone booth, which also tickled my fancy. It seemed a bit out of place, like it belonged in a Studio Ghibli cartoon. ☺

Shall we turn towards the cafe itself?

Cafe Outside:

Perhaps you can tell that it stands out from all the greyness surrounding it. :)

A couple walked into my following picture >.<

But taking pictures is so common here that most people understand/don’t mind if they show up in the background~ ^^

A closeup of the window. The detailing in this café is what I love most!

Enter the cafe:

As you walk in, there is a bookshelf on your left:

It’s a small café, consisting of only a single room with no partitions. It seats about 16 people. Here is a view of the seating area across from the counter:

Did you notice the bows on the lights?

Here is the counter. Rilakkuma is watching over the café!

Can you spot the ipad?

Cafe Design:

In order to truly appreciate this cafe, one must appreciate the little decorations! They are, in fact, what make the cafe so effortlessly adorable!

Starting from the left, we have the bookshelf:

Next the bookshelf are scarves:

The scarves sit right next to the counter:

Here is another view of the main wall:

Do take a moment to absorb the pure delight from these decorations!

A wall "window"(?) with pictures of drinks on it:

Imagine my surprise when they opened this “window” to access a storage space! :o Perhaps they are storing coffee in there? Regardless, such a clever way to conceal it!

Bunnies! The chalkboard displays the wifi password, isn't that cute? ^o^

There’s a beautiful floral wreath on the door that leads to a hallway of the encompassing building:

And let’s not forget the subtle, but powerful foliage accents~

My Drinks:

My caramel macchiato~

My café mocha~ I’m no coffee connoisseur, but I did find this one especially delicious! =^3^=

Just look at that mountain of deliciousness~ +_+

Cafe Atmosphere:

This café carries a free, family-friendly atmosphere. Many young parents pass through with their strollers and the baristas often chat with the parents in a very casual and friend-like way. I even once saw her play with the baby as the parents went to the restroom. The toddlers do roam free and scream, but no one seems to mind. Young people and couples do come in though! But admittedly, it’s not exaaaactly located in the trendiest of places...

The young ladies—sisters, I think?—that work there seem sweet and bubbly, compared to other baristas I've encountered~ The older sister was so cute; I had asked her if I could take pictures and she said yes. Shortly after I began though, she darted in front of my camera. “Wait a moment~” she giggled bashfully as she quickly organized the bookshelf, fluffed the cushions, and removed her purse.

All in all, it is a small café, but I like it. ^^ With the warm, late-summer sunshine illuminating the café, and the young parents passing through with their toddlers, I feel curiously at ease. I’m filled with a sense of calm contentment whenever I visit.

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