Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Rant: What's in a Name?

Today’s post is of a different flavor than my usual (no pictures or emoticons here~)! It’s going to be a rant, so my tone of voice will be serious! You’re not obliged to read it; but really, you’re not obliged to read anything I write!

Even though this is my personal blog, I am usually reluctant to post anything too personal about me/my opinions. This is because in the event of a misunderstanding; the Internet is the playground for trolling, not open-minded and civilized debate. I don’t want to start an argument with anyone, so if you disagree, please don’t be offended! These are just my thoughts, based upon my values and experiences, and I need somewhere to express them.

Today’s rant topic is superficiality. More specifically, superficiality as it pertains to “brand name schools”. By brand name schools, I’m referring to the ones that make people ooh and ahh. In the States, that’s usually the Ivy Leagues, private schools, and occasionally huge public schools.

Today a student asked for my help, and basically, he wanted to whine about doing poorly on his exam. Out of a 100, he got a 64.

He wailed,“Wahhhhh I studied so so hard for this exam! I thought I would do good, but I failed! Not even passing!”

Naturally, I tried to console him. “It’s okay…don’t worry too much about it. You can learn from your mistakes and do better on the final. Plus, I got bad scores for my midterms and I still turned out okay.”

“…Are you sure?" He looked at me skeptically. His eyes winced as he asked, "What school do you go to?” 

Can you believe it?! Here I was trying to comfort him and his response was to judge me--and whether or not I really did turn out okay--based on which school I go to?! He should have judged me based on how knowledgeable or helpful I was being. I was so livid!!

“Yes,” I retorted. “I went to ____ and ____, tied number 1 in the nation for my field. Good enough for you? I’m probably younger than you too.”

His mouth opened in awe and he shut up. Man I was piiissssseeeddd!!

To me, that is a perfect example of name brand superficiality (in the academic context). His new-found respect for me was based not on my ability to answer his questions, but based on the shock-factor he got from hearing my schools’ names.

Now please understand, I said what I said to shut him up (and to further prove my point that he needn’t worry so much.) I really don’t give two cents about brand name schools, numerical rankings, and bragging rights. Just as I find judging someone based on appearance narrow-minded, I find judging someone’s worth based on the school they went to just as repulsive.

I remember a few years ago, after everyone had heard about which schools I was accepted into, people suddenly wanted to befriend me. Even people who used to ignore me. Srsly dawg? I was so offended and disgusted. Apart from that acceptance letter, I was still the same person you used to deliberately ignore. So what does that mean? Are you trying to befriend me, or my acceptance letter?

Ultimately, I think the hype on brand name schools is way overrated. Having attended some of those schools, I can assure you, E=mc^2 is the same everywhere. Smart people will be smart anywhere. I have met countless people from small, nameless schools who were far more impressive than my own classmates. And believe it or not, there are plenty of unintelligent minds at the Ivy Leagues as well. I do not lie; I’ve heard them speak with my own ears!

Obviously, I cannot fully express how I feel in one blog post; but all in all, I am in no way hating on big-name schools nor demeaning the students that attend them. It is true that such schools have good reputations for a reason (renowned professors, successful alumni, plentiful resources, stimulating academic environments, strong applicants, etc.) However, I simply cannot agree with people who judge a person’s worth based solely on a name; whether it be the school name on their diploma, the brand name of their purse, or the name on their clothing tags. Such a concept is too superficial to me. Life goes on, and eventually grades, GPA, and school name become but a petty matter. (Heck, I can’t even remember my GPA from a year ago!)

And sorry, I don’t feel like actually revealing which schools I go to, but hopefully you get the point.

Well that’s the end of today’s rant. I feel better now! If you’ve read this far, thank you for sticking with me! Hopefully I wasn’t too boring. Well, I’ll be in a good mood for my next post, since it’s going to be a tag! Many thanks to the lovely Christina for tagging me~ Hopefully this weekend I can finish my last review (for now) and continue with the funner, non-review posts!


Sunday, February 26, 2012

Baviphat Pure Kiss Lipstick

 As far as Korean brands go, many of us hear about Missha, Etude House, Skin Food, and Peripera...but have you heard of Baviphat? If not, allow me to introduce you to one of their lipsticks that I picked up when I was in Korea!
Quick Facts:
Brand: Photobucket
Name: Pure Kiss Lipstick
Color: 02, Bright Pink
Size: 3.4g, 2.9inches
Price in Korea: 3,900KRW
Product Description: (Translated by Oppa and paraphased by me!)
바비펫 퓨어키스 립스틱2호 [브라이트 핑크]:
Baviphat Pure Kiss Lipstick in Color 2 is a pink/orange lipstick for girls with edge. Formulated with shea butter and jojoba oil, this nutritious soft lipstick helps maintain your skin’s elasticity. With its smear-resistant properties, it adheres to your lips for a clean application and long-term moisture—without a sticky after-feel. Infused with a floral perfume, its romantic and refreshing scent is a gift to the lips~ 
▲My tube is chipped because I tipped it over. :(

▲Sorry I forgot to wipe the metal casing!

Really quick~ I just want to say that it was SUCH a pain taking swatch photos for this lipstick! The color just would not show up accurately! In the end, the best bet was dim indoor lighting and really low camera exposure...It's still not perfect though, so I tried to compensate by describing it. Anyways, if you notice that the lighting—and my lips too, for that matter—look darker than my other reviews, that’s why.. >"<


Color (on me): Soo...in most lighting it photographs as a cute strawberry-milk pastel pink; but in real life, it’s more of your standard coral pink. In brighter lighting it appears as a *vibrant* rosey pink (with a slight orange hue), while in dimmer lighting it leans more to the red side. I tried depicting that under “True Colors”:

Pigment: I find it quite pigmented! One swipe seems to be enough (notice how there's not much difference between one swipe and two swipes?).

Texture: Soft indeed! It glides on very smoothly and is slightly creamy—like shea butter! It’s a bit fragile though; if your lips have flaps of dry skin, it’ll leave deep scratches on the stick! Well actually, if you have dry skin you should exfoliate, because this baby clings to dead and dry skin!

Moisturizing: The funny thing is, even though it glides on smoothly it doesn’t actually feel moisturizing like a chapstick does. Nevertheless, it is in no way drying. It kinda just sits there like a protective film...if you know what I mean!

Scent: It’s got a hint of drugstore lipstick smell, but that’s about it. Oh romantic floral scent, where art thou?

Well, that's all! Thanks for reading~

So what do you think, would you try it? Have you tried any Baviphat products before?

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Selca Lying Down

Short post for tonight!

Have you ever tried taking selca while lying down?

I have, just last night when I was testing out my maid outfit! I got so tired trying to maintain a decent posture while holding my heavy camera in one hand, so I decided, ‘You know what? I’m going to LIE DOWN! Yeah!’ 

And this was the first test shot:

You can tell from my clueless look that I was a bit unready >.<;; But nonetheless! When I saw this picture I thought, ‘Ooooh lala~ it’s like all my jawline fat migrated north!’ Awww yeah~~!  With all that new padding, my bulgy cheekbones are much less prominent and eyes look more almond-shaped now! What's more, I found an angle that seemed decently flattering to my facial porportions~! 

BTW I know my lower lashes are unsymmetric! T.T 
Sometimes they get caught on my natural lashes and “raise” up. :(

[Update 2/22/12: Adding these 3 pics!]

(You can see the shadow from my arm here! Newb, teehee~)

So even though my cheeks look quite swollen, all in all, I like this new angle! Now I'm not sure if it's actually flattering for me, but I do find it to be a quite interesting angle to say the least--probably because it makes me have no neck, haha~

Do share! What do you do when your arms tire from selca-ing? Have you ever selca-ed while laying down?

Monday, February 20, 2012

Etude House LUCIDarling Lip Gloss

Since most of my reviews have thusfar been on Missha products, this time I am going to change it up! I have with me today a lip gloss from the ever-cute brand Etude House!
Quick Facts:
Name: LUCIDarling Fantastic Rouge Gloss
Color: 04, Candy Pink
Size: 4.5g, 11.5cm (including cap)
Expiry: 6 months
Price in Korea: 7,000KRW

 [에뛰드하우스] 루씨달링 판타스틱 루즈 글로스4호 캔디 핑크:

Pigmentation: It showed up very well on me. I spread a very thin layer over my lips for the 1 Layer swatch below, but that little went a long way. Applying more didn’t make the color much darker, persay, though it did become more opaque and intense:

Color: I’d say it’s a purple pink, especially if you apply a lot. The color it wipes off as reminds me of a grape jolly rancher, actually!

Texture: Sticky and thick; it can easily feel heavy on the lips. After 2 layers I felt like my lips were glued shut (well, only slightly). Thankfully though, it doesn't bunch up into little globules, so applying an even layer is no problem-o!  

Lasting Power: Let's just say I now have lovely purple stains on my clothes from a gentle, accidental touch on the lips. So be careful, for it does wipe off very easily!

Finish: Glossiness is medium. It also has tiny specks of sparkle in it, but it’s subtle.

Scent: Fruity. It smells massively similar to the EOS Summer Fruit Lip Balm! (According to my nostrils, that is.)


Notes to Self: All in all it's a nice gloss, but it’s so thick and sticky that I feel as though my lips are on lock-down when I wear it. No drinking, no eating, no kissing, and perhaps even no talking—unless you like an oily coating of gloss over your tongue, that is. But that’s how many lip glosses are, no?

Okie, that's it! Thanks for reading!

Quick question~ So in all honesty, I don't know how to pick lip glosses. I'm more of a lipstick girl. What do you look for in a lip gloss? 

Friday, February 17, 2012

Goody Package from Amy ♥

After two consecutive posts filled with my bare face, today I attempted (again, attempted) to go for a doll-like look! Eventually I got lazy though, so I did nothing to my dark, bushy, and sad-looking brows. Oh wells~!

(My bow started drooping over my face without me knowing. Oopsie~)

You can see that I even tried fiddling around with filters, heehee~ It's amazing how one little click can do so much to change the feeling of the photo!

Oppa walked in while I was selca-ing again, so I forced him to take pictures with me heehee. 

Today he was especially reluctant, since his wind-blown hair was exposing his big forehead (which he is self-conscious about). To comfort him I took off my wig, and together we bared our receding hairlines at the camera!! Tuzki Bunny Emoticon 

By the way, Happy Belated Valentine’s Day everyone! Oppa and I actually didn’t do anything at all, hehe. (We’re one of those that don’t care much for V-day.)

But speaking of Valentine’s, I did notice there were a couple Valentines posted about me these past two weeks. I want to thank whoever had said those nice things about me; you truly made my day!

Anywho, this entry is about the goody package that my sweet friend Amy sent me recently! To my knowledge, she doesn't read this blog; but regardless, thank you Amy! You are too kind! Everything is so amazing. But more than that, I am very grateful to have been able to befriend someone as such a smart, strong, and kind as you!

Oh myyy, how my jaw dropped when I saw the package!

In my excitement, it was but a must to selca with some of the goodies~

(▲ This bottle is way cooler than the squeeze tubes most BB Creams come in!)

(These are the MOST adorable sheet masks I have ever laid eyes on!)

(Japanese brands are not cheap...I feel unworthy! >.<)

(Inspired by the Amazon robot)

(She even cushioned everything, which means two things: 
1. Attention to detail.
2. I get to annoy Oppa with the noises these make!)

Now here's the thing. About 20 minutes later, after I finished my squealing and screaming, I had a very awkward moment: That awkward moment when you realize your gift sucked compared to theirs, and that they had even received theirs before sending off yours. 

In situations like this I become veeerryyyy embarrassed and roll on the floor, trying to hide my face in the carpet. Even after I regain composure, there is only I thing that I can think of saying to my friend: 


In other words, I feel so guilty! (Though I promise to buy her more next time...! >.<) 

So...if I may ask, what do you say/do in situations like this? Hopefully you act with more poise than I do, teehee~