Saturday, February 4, 2012

Model Makeover Vol. 1: Tsubasa Masuwaka

As part of my New Years Resolutions, I wanted to experiment with different makeup styles; for now, that means mimicking the makeup of various gyaru models! Unless I think of a better name, I think I shall call these set of posts "Model Makeover"!  After all, it's a makeover based on magazine models, so the name makes sense right?

For my first Model Makeover, my muse was none other than Tsubasa Masuwaka. Recently I've felt somewhat pressured (by job applications, etc) to don a more natural look, and nobody does natural dolly quite like her!

I tried to mimic her look in the promotional pictures for her latest Dolly Wink lashes: long, slightly winged eyeliner, natural lashes, and baby pink cheeks and lips. But since my eyelids fold funny, I wasn't able to draw my eyeliner as finely as she did. Otherwise, I did manage to tone down the nose contour and arch my brows to match hers.

And just for fun, I even tried imitating her facial expressions/poses. My lips aren't very plump though, so I resorted to duck face! Muahaha!  Then I also realized that one way to fake Tsubasa's lips is to do a pursed half-smirk.
(Actually, can someone tell me why is duck face so bad? To me it just looks like kissy face/pursed lips, and I see no crime in that...)

Captions are under the pictures:

No nails today, only sausagey fingers! Ran out of nail glue :(

^ Tsubasa-wannabe pose/smirk.

^ Tsubasa-wannabe lips

Oopsie, what terrible hand positioning~

This is the closest I'll get to Tsubasa's ever-perky lips. 

You'll have to forgive me for my lazy hair. While my baby pink blush sadly didn't show up on camera, the wig I was going to use showed up WAY TOO MUCH. It was super shiny and looked like the pee color of a very dehydrated person who OD'ed on Vitamin B, if you know what I mean.... It was so horrible I'm not even going to post a picture. Even the wig cap looked better!

And that's sayin' something. So in the end, Oppa decided to put my wig and hat on cute little Baby Jiro instead:

This was intended to be a kissy face (not duck face!) directed at Baby Jiro.

Awwww~~~ so cute~  

This concludes my first Model Makeover post, as well as my first attempt in doing natural makeup. I must admit, I'm so used to the panda look that I'm not sure what I think about this look on me yet. I'm also not used to having arched eyebrows, so I think I look a bit angry like this... >.<

That being said, I was VERY shocked to realize how different I looked compared to my usual look! Makeup can really transform you! I'm very excited now to try other styles!

Thoughts? Do arched eyebrows suit me? Any suggestions on who the next Model Makeover Muse should be? (I was thinking Okarie maybe?) ^.^

Thanks for reading~

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